
Autumn Issue


The title was inspired by a Bruno Bonsignore’s quote, President of AssoEtica, to whom I asked a definition of luxury, as well as I did with others. Among the many responses, I have chosen a few. Francesca Albanese: “I connect luxury to aesthetic categories such as beauty, elegance and sophistication, which are “gifts” that could belong to anyone beyond own financial capacity. However, I think that even the luxury separation from the “gaudiness” of the glitz, it remains something that 'is not for everyone'.
The best way is to connect luxury to excellence, but I think it isn’t so easy to couple it with ethics."
Giancarlo Currò: "The term 'distance' occurs to me, if I try to explain what is luxury. In a positive sense: distance from the ordinary, the usual, the standard, the slavish and everyday life, from the imitations, the false, the crisis. It means taking the distance, thinking to be or being far-away, standing out over all that is trivial, expected or otherwise known."
Fabrizia Peris: "Having the freedom of choice."
Francesca Pellegrini: "It is an impossible wish that for once you can realize."
Umberto Santucci: "Luxury is rare: it is silence, quietness, right timing, space. It is doing things that other people don’t usually do: walking in the early morning along the river enjoying new flowers, the wheat, the smells of fields, always the same and always different. Luxury is to ignore the GDP and the economic growth, and to decrease in a harmonious and respectful of self, others, the world, replacing competitiveness with conviviality.
Finally, luxury is the difference between living well and living awful: I try to live like that as much as possible, so I think to live in luxury."
